Mars Data
Mass: 6.42 x 1023 kg or 0.11 of
Diameter: 6794 km or 0.53 of
Surface gravity: 0.38 gee
Axial tilt: 25.2°
Mean surface temperature: -23 Celsius
Rotation period: 24.62 hours
Orbital period: 1.88 years
Inclination of orbit to ecliptic:
Orbital eccentricity: 0.093
Distance from the Sun: 1.38–1.66
Sunlight strength: 0.36–0.52 of
Satellites: 2
Largest satellite: Phobos,
diameter 27 km
As we head away from the Sun we have one more stop before
leaving the realm of the inner planets: the Red Planet, Mars. Only 53 per cent
the diameter of Earth, Mars is a midsize
terrestrial world, accompanied by two small moons. Impact craters dominate its
southern hemisphere, but extensive volcanism has significantly modified the
north. Red sand, rich in particles of rusted iron, covers the frigid surface,
blown by huge, global storms. Meanwhile, the polar regions sport extensive ice
caps – though they are made of frozen carbon dioxide as well as water. Carbon
dioxide is also the primary gas in the thin Martian atmospher, as it is on
Venus. But Mars has lost most of its atmosphere, and its water is frozen at the
poles or embedded in the ground as permafrost. Now, the Red Planet is a cold,
hostile desert.
Physical Overview
Mars, more than any other planet, has long been the subject of
much human fascination. Nineteenth-century astronomers perpetuated the vision
that Mars was covered in lush vegetation, irrigated by a clever network of
canals – evidence, they thought, of intelligent Martians. The planet even has
the same axial tilt as the Earth, a very comparable rotation period of 24.62
hours, and dramatic seasons. Thus the romantic view of Martian life persisted
well into the twentieth century. But when the first probes reached Mars in the
1960s and 1970s, the truth was finally revealed. Mars is not alive. It is dead,
and looks as if it has been that way for a long time. No conclusive evidence
for life there, either now or in the past, has ever been found. Instead, the
planet in some way resembles parts of Mercury, the Moon and Venus.
Like all these worlds, Mars has roughly two different terrains.
The highlands, which dominate the southern regions, are heavily cratered. In
the north are rolling lowland plains, which have few craters and are more
recent than the highlands. One exception to the general low altitude of the
northern territories is the Tharsis rise. This huge bulge rises some 10
kilometres above the mean level of the terrain in the north, and runs 8000
kilometres across the planet. Astronomers suspect that Tharsis was created
either when magma welled up under the planet’s crust and pushed it skywards, or
when the magma flowed onto the surface itself in multiple episodes and
solidified. Possibly both mechanisms were at work. Evidence for this volcanic
origin is strong. A thong of massive shield volcanoes crowns Tharsis. Three of
them lie in a line, and one – the 600-kilometre-wide Olympus Mons – is off to
one side. These volcanoes are enormous, evidence that Mars, like all
terrestrial planets except Earth, lacks plate tectonics. The magma beneath the
stationary crust simply oozed onto the surface and piled up. On Earth, by
contrast, this pile-up cannot happen because the continents never stay in one
place. Also, mountains are absent on Mars – further evidence for a stationary
crust. But there are some tectonic features. The largest and most awesome is
Valles Marineris. This is a truly enormous canyon, south of the Tharsis bulge.
It is 8 kilometres deep and 4500 kilometres long – the Earth’s Grand Canyon, by
comparison, is little more than a scratch. Valles Marineris may have been
created with the Tharsis uprising, the equatorial crust literally ripped apart
as magma pushed its way up further north.
The lack of plate motion on Mars could mean that its crust is
thicker than Earth’s. The planet cooled more quickly than Earth, being smaller,
and so its crust did not fracture with the impacts from space. Underneath the
crust, Mars is similar to Venus. It has a thick, rocky mantle and a metal-rich
core. And, like Venus, Mars has almost no detectable magnetic field.
Atmosphere and Climate
Like Earth, Mars has polar caps. As well as water ice, they
include significant quantities of frozen carbon dioxide: dry ice. But because
Mars’ orbit is quite eccentric – its average distance from the Sun of 229
million kilometres (1.52 AU) varies by 11 per cent – the polar caps change
dramatically with the seasons. The planet’s closest approach to the Sun brings
a swift summer in the southern hemisphere and sees the gradual melting of the
southern polar cap. Temperatures in the summer can reach 22 Celsius at southern
midlatitudes, and a sweltering 37 Celsius at the subsolar point – but this is
very exceptional. Mars is usually very, very cold. And when furthest from the
Sun and moving at its slowest, the planet plunges into a deep and extended
freeze, _125 Celsius at the south pole. Carbon dioxide – which is the
principal component of the Martian atmosphere – then condenses out in the sky
and falls to the ground as snow, and the south polar cap gradually creeps
across the surface of the planet to reclaim the ground coverage lost in the
summer. The water in the polar caps, however, remains frozen at all times; Mars
never gets warm enough at the poles to melt water. And even if the water did
melt, it would evaporate straight away because Mars’ atmosphere is exceedingly
thin. It is 100 times thinner than our atmosphere, the pressure at its surface
equivalent to that at an altitude five times higher than Everest on Earth.
Without a spacesuit, you’d last less than a minute in the cold, dry semi-vacuum
that hugs the hostile Martian surface.
Evolution of Mars
Mars’ atmosphere was not always this thin, though. There is lots
of evidence that liquid water once flowed on Mars, cutting canyons and
riverbeds as it does on Earth today. The Red Planet’s atmosphere must once have
been much denser. The reasons for its unfortunate transformation are many. But
two of the main culprits are the planet’s diminutive size and its lack of
Mars is very small compared with its neighbours Earth and Venus,
which are 9.3 and 7.6 times more massive respectively than the Red Planet. Why
it ended up with so little mass may have something to do with its position in
the Solar System. Mars is found near the inside edge of the asteroid belt. The
asteroids are leftovers from the planet-building process. As we shall see, they
were unable to form a planet because of the gravitational field of nearby
Jupiter, the next planet from the Sun after Mars. It is possible that Jupiter’s
disruptive influence was felt even where Mars was forming. The giant’s gravity
ejected many planetesimals out of the plane of the Solar System, leaving Mars
to mop up the scraps. Still, Mars was massive enough to hold onto the
atmosphere that it gradually outgassed as it cooled – but only just. Because
the Red Planet is so small, much of its original atmospheric gas has slowly
escaped. Impacts would no doubt have heated and stirred up the atmosphere during
the heavy bombardment phase. Hot gases have faster-moving molecules than cooler
gases, so as the atmosphere warmed up it gradually slipped from Mars’ weak
gravity and leaked away into space. Moreover, because Mars lacks a magnetic
field – and may have done in the past – it has no protection from the steady
flow of particles from the Sun, the solar wind. Earth’s magnetic field deflects
the solar wind. But on Mars the wind brushes up to the planet and gradually
strips it of gas – up to 45 000 tonnes are lost every year like this.
Gradually, as Mars’ atmosphere grew thinner, it also grew colder
because of the reduced greenhouse effect. Its atmospheric water was destroyed
by the Sun’s ultraviolet light. Its surface water either froze solid at the
poles or, when the pressure got too low, evaporated and joined the atmosphere
where it too was destroyed by ultraviolet light. The rest of Mars’ water might
have seeped into the soil where it still exists in a layer of permafrost.
Liquid water may not have flowed on Mars now for 2500–3500 million years. (New
research, however, shows that liquid water could exist in small quantities on
Mars in very low-altitude regions.) Its volcanoes have also stopped erupting –
or so we think. Today, Mars is cold and hostile, probably inactive, and it has
not changed in billions of years. If life does exist there, it is certainly not
complex. Perhaps it never was.
The Dogs of Mars: Phobos and
Before we leave Mars for the rubble of the asteroid belt, let’s
meet a couple of the belt’s former members: the Martian satellites Phobos and
Deimos. Mars’ two moons are nothing like ours. They are little more than
pebbles in comparison. The larger, Phobos, is only 27 kilometres along its
longest axis, about half the size of London. It is irregularly shaped, not
spherical, because its gravity is too weak to pull it into a ball. Phobos is
the satellite closer to Mars. It orbits 6000 kilometres above the red sands
where it swings around the planet in 7.6 hours – less than a Martian day in fact.
The other, Deimos, is smaller still, about half the size of its cousin,
similarly shaped, and more than 2.5 times further out. Both satellites have exceedingly dark
surfaces that reflect just 2 per cent of incident sunlight. They are
also heavily cratered.
Phobos and Deimos are
not Martian natives but are most likely asteroids. They broke free of their
orbits in the belt – assisted by Jupiter’s gravity – and headed sunwards where
Mars captured them at different times. As to when this happened, though, nobody
can tell. The events may date to the beginning of the Solar System, or could
have happened much more recently.
Source :
Mark A. Garlick. The
Story Of The Solar System. University Press: Cambridge.
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